How to Access Your Online Courses

Thank you for purchasing an online class with me! I truly hope that this will provide a platform for learning and a deeper understanding of the combination of mixed media and encaustic arts.

Steps to Follow


STEP 1: Log into your Account

Go to the top right corner of the site and click on the little person icon.



That will take you to the login page where you will enter your email and password.  


STEP 2: Access your Courses Page

Once you have logged in you will see your Account page. At the top look for the "Online Classes" section and click on the "View My Courses" link.

After clicking View my Courses you will be directed to a separate page that lists out all the online courses you have purchased from me. Then simply click on the "View Online" button to begin your class - enjoy!

Do not try to access the course by clicking on the Order number in your Order History! This will only lead you back to the purchase page again.

👉 Troubleshooting 👈

Double check your email address

You must log in using the SAME EMAIL ADDRESS that you created your account with. Most of the time, when people are facing the issue of not being able to see the courses they’ve purchased, we investigate only to realize that they have inadvertently created multiple accounts and then aren’t logging in with the one they used to purchase the course.

Access via Accounts page only

The second most common issue is trying to access the course from the sales Order History list. Your order number is simply the receipt that proves you’ve purchased the course. Clicking on that order number will not take you to your course, it will keep taking you back to the sales page as though you hadn’t bought the course. You need to follow the steps listed above to access the Courses platform.

Last resort support :}

If you are still having issues, by all means, please reach out. I am not a tech wizard by any stretch, so if you have HONESTLY tried everything above, please let me know and I will have to put you in touch with my web developer to help you.  I am a small business owner and I do pay my web developer to help you, so for that reason, I ask you to make sure you’ve done what you can from your end. Thank you for your understanding on this.